Jul 4, 2009

posts that never were

Blogposts I've wanted to share with you but haven't had time to get out of my fingers. Comment and let me know which ones are worth pursuing in the future! Or, if everyone has given up on this blog I guess I'll get to them as I can because I haven't (given up, that is). I'm eternally optimistic although I'm pretty sure it's only in my dreams I'll get to them all.
  • Amazing mascara you've got to try
  • Why I'm always on the computer but never blogging!
  • The worst cooking day EVER (i've got pictures)
  • How do I love JBF, let me count the ways...
  • Adventures in Pilates
  • Lessons from the Life of Moses
  • Conference Challenge(s)
  • Square Foot Gardening
  • Why I hate to love the iPhone

1 comment:

jenica said...

They all sound intriguing!
I need new mascara.
worst cooking day
square foot gardening
what/who is JBF?

You might as well do them all. Just make them simple, so you don't feel overwhelmed.