Jul 17, 2007

Couponing and Me

All right ladies. I hope I am not the only one who has had this experience.

Clip coupons religiously. Make a list for the grocery store. Separate relevant coupons, coupons too good not to use before they expire etc. Take it all to the store and shop, diligently comparing items with coupons, eliminating some when they still don't make a good deal. Stand in a huge line at checkout and watch the lady in front of me couponing while the cashier tells some story about a lady who routinely saves like $70.00 in coupons (wowsers, where is she finding them I wonder?). Get to the checkout counter, distracted by fussy baby in my arms and VOILA, forget to use the stupid coupons. Of course I realized it as soon as she handed me the receipt.

I felt like cursing. This is the second time in a row this has happened. And the reality of it- with a baby in my arms, hot car to look forward to and groceries melting in the cart-is that it suddenly it doesn't seem worth it to return/exchange, get a manager involved etc., all over a lost savings of a few dollars, even if it is 10% of my purchase. So, I just swallowed it and went home a few dollars poorer than I had to. Some days it just doesn't seem worth it.

What a lot of wasted effort just to feel stupid! Seems like there are such easier ways...


April said...

Ha! I feel your pain. I find it much easier to go to the store when the husband is home to watch the baby.

Rachel said...

Yes, I agree...couponing is very difficult with little ones. I almost always try to go alone so that I can think more clearly.

I haven't ever forgotten to fork over my wad of coupons, but I know a few girls who have! I won't tell on them, but I will assure you, you're not alone! :)

Chalk it up to experience, and keep at it. And if it's just too much right now, chuck it. There ARE other ways to save money, so do whatever works for you.

Michelle said...

:) That happened to me this weekend...I got in the car with the groceries and realized that I one had not used my coupons and two Kroger had charged five dollars extra for some chicken I had bought...

Brooke said...

I have had several bad couponing experiences too. I honestly believe that Satan attacks us in this area. We are striving to be good stewards of our money and be honoring to our husbands by trying to find ways to be frugal. This is cause for attack from the evil one. I really like the encouragement from Crystal at Biblical Womanhood. She encourages you to ALWAYS pray before you shop. I don't always remember to, but when I do my experience is always much smoother.

Don't be discouraged. It is a good thing you are doing and the Lord will help you!